~ believe in your FATE and have FAITH in it ~

Monday, January 11

5 easy way to be happy again

i want to
become happy again

to be happy
and become carefree

always look forward
and never look backward

leave the past
and let the rest
become the best
from me...^_~

after google-ing
i find these 5 steps
for me to be happy
and become motivated

first... LOOK to the FUTURE NOT the PAST

something that i did
and i'm not proud of

i always feel...
if and only if
i can go back
to that particular time
and change everything
that i can
to make it better

the bad news
i can't go back...
but the good news
let go of the past
and accept what has happened
so that i can
move on and
allow myself
to look forward
for the future

second i have to STOP CRITICIZ-ing other PEOPLE

look for
faults and failures
in others
a way of covering up
our own insecurities
stop judging other people
and concentrate on living
our own life
third DO something FOR another PERSON

do something positive
for another person
stop US dwelling on ourselves
and it is
something that we
can be proud of.

fourth KNOW your STRENGTHS

Everybody has something
that they're good at
Identify the things
make them
a part of our routine

fifth DO THINGS that make you SMILE

do things that make you happy
learn to value yourself

hobby or interest
that enjoying
make us a more
interesting and fulfilled person
and helped to meet minded people


TutyLydia said...

n0en,,org dah start class!
heee~ ^_^

run^nia in wonderland said...

alamak...cuti x feb nie

mohdnoor said...


lame tak visit blog ni.. hehe.. yep.. look the future, not the past... tp kdg2 perlu gak pelajari sejarah sbagai inspirasi masa depan ;p

run^nia in wonderland said...

bz ke skrg?tgh final year eh?

tp kalau selalu sgt pandang ke belakang, nnt terkebelakang lah pulak ^_~

mohdnoor said...

takde la final year, tp mmg busy la skarang.. tgh byk exam.. doakan la, yer ;p

ain, tp kalau langsung tak ambik pengajaran dari generasi silam, kite mungkin akan buat kesilapan yg same.. sbb biasenye kronologi sejarah ni berulang2.. hehe..

run^nia in wonderland said...

skrg tgh year berapa ye?
kira-kira td mcm 4th year kan?

sbb kalau dalam usrah pun...
benda 1st after ta'aruf dgn intro...
kite kena belajar ISK dulu...
penting tu ^_^
tQ ingat kan

tp tu lah,
mcm pepatah melayu kata
"buang yang keruh ambil yang jernih"